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Hitchhikers Guide to St Stephen's Church

Enabling faith - Knowing the truth - Pursuing godliness

(based on Titus 1:1)

Who are we?

We are a Presbyterian church that meets together regularly to explore what it means to live with Jesus as our King.

The great thing about being a Christian is the joy of being forgiven by God and having no fear of what lies beyond death.

We cannot keep Jesus to ourselves and do our best to share him with others.

What do we believe?

We believe that the natural inclination of all people is rebellion against God. God's punishment for rebels is death.

Jesus lived a perfect life. He willingly died as a substiute for the death we deserve. God accepted his sacrifice and raised him from the dead.

God forgives our rebellion when we rely upon Jesus' death. With gratitude we live with Jesus as our King and inherit the promise of life with him forever.

What is our mission?

Our vision from Titus 1:1 gives us direction and purpose.

ENABLING FAITH means we share the gospel with our local community and involve ourselves in overseas mission.

KNOWING THE TRUTH means that we desire to understand the Bible and live obediently under the rule of Christ.

PURSUING GODLINESS means we want to be like Jesus i.e. rid ourselves of sin and live in a way that pleases God.

Minister: Rev Mark Armstrong

Elders: Ian Irwin, Dale Martin, David Emanuel

Corner Mathews & Crown Streets, West Tamworth
Phone: 02 6762 0812 (office) or 0431 664 307 (Mark)

Sunday service time is 9:30am.

You are very welcome to join us!